This week
It’s The Little Things:
An Encore Broadcast

This week, we look at companies that go above and beyond the call. Companies that add smart, little touches that make all the difference. Like hotels that help you fall asleep at night with sleep aids, grocery stores that help you read the small type on vitamin bottles, hardware stores that give you maps of […]

This week:
Famous Jingles

This week, we explore the use of jingles in advertising. So many brands were built on the backs of jingles. From the Big Mac, to Smarties, to Wheaties cereal. Successful jingles stay lodged in our minds forever. Once you hear them, learn the melody and start singing the lyrics, you become the advertiser. Hope you’ll […]

Terry in Barrie

Terry O'Reilly

Big thanks to the folks in Barrie who came out to the Georgian College campus for a fun talk about the Power of Storytelling. Loved meeting the next generation of marketers.   For more speaking dates and information, visit our Events Page.

This week:
Brands Are People, Too:
Products Named After Inventors

This week, we explore famous products named after their inventors. Some products are so cemented in our minds we forget their names once belonged to people. Shrapnel was invented by Henry Shrapnel, nachos were invented by Nachos Anaya and the leotard was invented by a Jules Leotard. We’ll even look at some inventors who wish […]

This week:
Worthless To Priceless

This week, we look at products that went from worthless to priceless. Products someone created out of something everyone else ignored. It might be scraps on the ground that people stepped over, or useless waste destined for the scrap heap. But in each case, the resulting product was a masterpiece of instinct and insight… Hope […]